Privacy Policy

Effective date: 09/01/2023

1. Scope of application

This privacy policy (policy) applies to persons using the mobile application "TEK Configurator" (Application), intended for viewing and changing the parameters of NPP TEK LLC products (products), setting them up, viewing information module data ("black box"), carrying out diagnostics of products. This Policy describes the nature of the information we collect, how we may use and share it with others, and the choices we give you regarding such use and sharing. When using the mobile application "Fuel and Energy Configurator" you agree to the procedure specified in this Policy.

2. Data collected when using the application

Using the Application, Personal Data and Non-Personal Information is collected.

For the purposes of this Policy, “Personal Data” means your personal information, including your name (specified during registration), phone number and device ID, email address and other information that you voluntarily provide about yourself. We collect, use and provide Personal Data only in accordance with the provisions of this Policy or the requirements of laws applicable to the collection, use and provision of Personal Data.

“Non-Personal Information” means information that does not personally identify the user, which is collected when accessing our Services through the Application.

2.1. Personal Information

We collect and store Personal Data only if it is provided at your discretion through the Application during the registration process or otherwise in connection with your use of our Application. If you provide us with your Personal Information, you thereby consent to the use of such Personal Information as defined in this Policy and as may be further determined during the information collection process. You may refuse to provide us with your Personal Data, but in this case we cannot guarantee the full use of all functions of the Application.

2.2. Non-personal information 

We may automatically collect Non-Personal Information when you use the Application. This information includes your IP address, browser type, language, location of the device using the application and access time. Among other things, the Application collects and transmits data in the following main categories:

  • Data from the device camera. Used to read QR codes for product identification. Data is used locally.
  • Product operating data. Used to analyze product performance and further improve product quality. They are transmitted via the Internet for further use by NPP TEK LLC.

By installing the Application, you thereby agree to the use of Information as defined in clause

2.2. of this Policy, as well as as may be further determined during the information collection process. You may refuse to provide us with Information, but in this case we cannot guarantee the full use of all functions of the Application.

Use of information

The Application collects data that is necessary to provide the services included in the Application, technical support, as well as data on the operation of products to further improve the quality of products of NPP TEK LLC.

Important information about Android system permissions

Android system functions for which the user must allow access when installing the application. Below is a description of the functions used and the purpose of their use.


Brief description Photography and videos
Use within the FEC Configurator application"
Allows you to scan a 2D matrix barcode on the device screen


Brief description: Read and access content on SD card 
Use within the "Fuel and Energy Configurator" application: access to the device storage. Recording, saving and reading files (electronic product passport, etc.).


Short description

Manage vibration settings

Use within the "Fuel and Energy Configurator" application: Vibration is used to provide feedback to the user during certain events in the application.

Policy Change

We may change this policy from time to time. Continued use of the Services following such notice constitutes your acceptance of the changes. We encourage you to periodically review this Policy for the latest information on our privacy practices.

The contact person

You can receive any clarification on questions of interest regarding the processing of personal data by contacting us by e-mail


About the procedure for deleting personal data of users

This agreement governs the procedure for deleting personal user accounts in the application server system.

This agreement applies to the following software:

  • “Configurator” program for setting up and configuring serial products produced by LLC NPP “TEK”.
  • Removal is carried out upon written request of the user.
  • The program user has the right to send a request to delete a personal account to the e-mail address
  • System administrators are required to delete the user’s personal account from the database within 5 working days and send a response letter confirming the completion of the action.
  • The user has the right to re-register in the system.