About company
Scientific Manufacturing Enterprise «Tomsk Electronic Company», Ltd. is an engineering company that has been offering innovative solutions and products for oil and gas, petrochemical and metallurgical industries for almost 25 years.
SME «TEC», Ltd. - Russian developer, manufacturer and supplier of smart explosion-proof electric actuators "RemTEK".
The company was founded in 1999 on the basis of the Research Institute "Engineering Technologies" of the USSR Ministry of General Engineering.
The personnel potential of the company was based on the specialists of NII TM, which provided the competence and technological base for the development and production of smart engineering products.
The company today:
• Scientific and human potential in the fields of robotics, actuator devices, control systems and production automation;• Own procurement, mechanical, electronic, assembly production;
• Test base, accredited laboratories;
• Service department and service centers.
• Staff of employees - 850 people;• Administrative and management personnel - 23 people;
• Engineering and technical staff - 309 people; • Specialists - 158 people;
• Production staff - 320 people;
• Number of employees with higher education - 75%;
• Average age of employees - 41 years.

The state-of-the-art manufacturing premises in combination with the high qualified staff ensure resolving any process tasks with the compliance to the requirement of international standards.

The Quality management system of the Company is certified to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2018 standard.
The company's products are certified and approved for use in the Russian Federation, as well as in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The wide range of our products allows us to constantly expand our sales markets and find new Customers.
High qualified design engineers are able to develop electric actuators according to specific requests of the Customer in terms of valve connection, power connections, data exchange interfaces, design solutions etc.

Due to the specific hi-tech solutions the RemTEK actuators have no foreign analogues in terms of energy performance. These acuators ensure operation capability and the utmost protection of the process valves and pipelines against the damage in case of emergency situation including the power supply cut-off.

Projects and products created by the company are implemented in close cooperation with fundamental science, large Russian design institutes and foreign partners.
SME «TEC» provides support for the full product cycle: from development to commissioning
•Development of design documentation
•Commissioning works at the facility
•Warranty service
•Post-warranty service
The production equipment of the enterprise ensures serial production and quality control of the products. The company has a full cycle of goods production, including mechanical and electronic production, testing laboratories, quality and service departments.
Mechanical production:
For the manufacture of equipment, SME «TEC» has an extensive fleet of machine tools, which allows high quality procurement and machining technological operations.

Electronic Manufacturing:
Full cycle of manufacturing electronic modules using modern equipment for surface mounting and selective soldering

Software development:
Development of algorithms and implementation of software solutions for motion control. Full cycle of software development.

Quality control
100% equipment acceptance inspection
•climate tests
•technological run
•hydrotesting of component shells
•acceptance tests
•simulation of work under real load on specialized stands

Warranty and post-warranty maintenance of electric drives is provided by the company's service department and regional service centers. The company's regional technical centers in Surgut and Irkutsk promptly interact with the operating services of consumers of our products.
Customer Service
Tasks of the unit:
• commissioning;
• providing technical support to the consumer;
• warranty service;
• post-warranty service;
• current/overhaul;
• consulting services/training.

Service specialists ensure prompt consideration and satisfaction of consumer requests for the operation of SME «TEC» products. Providing high-quality services for maintenance and repair of products of SME «TEC» both during the warranty and post-warranty periods of its operation.
qualified specialists
electric drives delivered
organizations have become our customers
Including Customers - more than 300 organizations, among them: "TNK-BP", "Gazprom", "Transneft", "Rosneft", "LUKOIL", "Surgutneftegaz", "Sibur Holding", "Kaztransoil" and others.